
React Native provides several tools to make debugging easier. To access the in-app developer menu:

  • Press ⌘ + d in the iOS simulator

  • ⌘ + m or F2 in the Android emulator

  • Alternatively use the shake gesture:

    • control + ⌘ + z in the iOS simulator

    • Clicking on the menu button in the Genymotion Android simulator

You can use this menu to enable/disable live reloading, hot reloading, component inspector, etc.

Debug in Chrome

This option allows you to debug your JavaScript code in Google Chrome. The code is executed in a Chrome tab you have access to all the usual devtools such as: debugger statements, break-points, console logging, etc.


Using console.warn will display an on-screen log on a yellow background. Click on this warning to show more information about it full screen and/or dismiss the warning. Place console.disableYellowBox = true; in the root component to temporarily disable warnings


You can use console.error to display a full screen error on a red background.

📚 More info on Yellow/Red Box available here: rn-docs/debugging.html#yellowbox-redbox

Last updated