Navigation Experimental

The NavigationRootContainer is the component that handles your application's navigation state. Normally you would pass a reducer to this component and it will handle returning a new navigation state when it's onNavigate method has been called.

There is also the NavigationContainer.create method, which acts similar to react-redux's connect method. It does not pull in any state however, it passes an onNavigate function to the component it wraps.

When using Redux, this component isn't necessary, because we are already using Redux to handle our state!

This component wraps the rest of your navigation, and provides simple sliding animations for your navigation "stacks". It requires a few different props:

  • navigationState -> This is where you can pass in your application's current navigation state. When using redux, you can get this via the mapStateToProps and connect functions.

  • onNavigate -> This is a function that is used as a reducer, and it is responsible for "dispatching" actions to update your navigation's state.

  • renderOverlay -> This prop requires a function that returns an NavigationExperimental.Header. It will pass props into the function to be used when creating the JSX for the navigation header.

  • renderScene -> Just like renderOverlay, this prop takes a function that will render a NavigationExperimental.Card. The props are also passed into this function.

This component will handle displaying information about the current state, as well as providing a simple "back" button to return to previous states in a header at the top of your app.

This component takes a prop called renderTitleComponent. This prop takes a function to setup an individual states title. It should return a NavigationExperimental.Header.Title component with the text you wish to display.

This component is where your app will render it's content. Under the hood, this is rendering an Animated.View component with our content.

This component takes a renderScene prop. This prop takes a function that's purpose is to decide which container component should be rendered based on the navigation's state.

The navigationsStateUtils object is a collection of helper functions for managing your navigations state. This is useful if you are using the NavigationRootContainer and your state is being managed there. For Redux apps, it's not necessary however.

This is another object of helper functions for managing the "stack" of cards in your navigation history. It comes with methods like pop and push for adding or removing cards from your navigation state's stack. Again, this is useful if you make use of the NavigationRootContainer component to manage your navigation state.

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