What is it (Server-side react rendering)
How it works (node instance)
Benefits (SEO, Caching)
Examples (Priceline hotels without prices)
process.env.NODE_ENV for build/dev
Good for applying dev specific middleware
Mocking out data when in dev mode
React-router vs redux-router
Use react-router until you have a need for redux-router
Props provided (router, location, routeParams)
Unit testing (Jest)
Explain libraries included (mocha, chai)
Show example of TDD
CSS processors provided
Global vs component css
Using className and style?
Mention libraries like Radium
What is A11y?
It's short for Accessibility (starts with "A", then 11 chars, and ends with "y")
React Intl:
What do you need? Translations? Locale time/money?
What packages exist
Analytics (redux-gtm)
Redux GTM:
React Tag Manager:
The package created by rangle for analytics (thomas, ken ono)
Implementing google tag manager?
Spread operator used for passing props
Need to keep the content lean as we'll have a GraphQL workshop
It's an open source architecture, made by facebook
Client/server architecture
One endpoint for all queries
Server is language agnostic
Needs a server and client
Client can be relay or apollo
Uses a typing system
Introspection via schema and types
Useful for when you don't have the ability to change the back-end
Query vs Mutation (GET vs POST)
@include and @skip directives
Can cache using data-loader to save requests (ideal for mobile)
Builds a middle layer of data, thin but meaningful through schemas
Thinking in graphs, not views or endpoints
Client: apollo vs relay
Asynchronous; a field resolve() can return a promise
Limit queries for security (use timeout, or query depth) to prevent a DDOS via a circular reference
Fragments help copy/paste of templates
Naming is important, as you should be backwards compatible
Use object references instead of copying data into new custom fields (ie. include a Person ref, having smallThumbnail, instead of a custom field like smallPersonThumbnail)
Useful for decoupling your data from the source
Immutablejs -
PureComponent vs Component - (>
shouldComponentUpdate() -
perfTools -
React.Children(), map, forEach, count
How do use it
Why you shouldn't use it
Middleware (promiseMiddleware, devTools)
List some useful packages
Exporting your proptypes to import for parents
mergeProps (as third param for connect)
localStorage for persisting state
Reducers per field vs per container (rangle vs josep)
Pass object instead of mapDispatchToProps to second param of connect
Dan talks about this in his egghead videos
It will wrap dispatch around each function in the values, functional composition
Might not need Redux (in small apps)
It might be a good idea to use fewest smart/stateful components when early in development or a very small app
As an app grows in size, you'll probably want to build out more containers, smart components, to spread out the logic and data
Start off with reducers.js then when you need more than one reducer
create a reducers folder
create index.js
move the reducers.js into reducers folder and rename the file
Add an import statement to index.js and export default combineReducers
Then for all other reducers, add a reducer js file and import statement and update combineReducers()
Reselect library
Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state.
Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.
Reselect Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments change.
Last updated
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