// This is what people normally do in ES5 to set default params
function link(height, color, callbackFn) {
var height = height || 50;
var color = color || 'red';
var callbackFn = callbackFn || function() {};
// function content...
It works well, but in the above implementation we didn't account for falsy values. For example: 0, '', null, NaN, false are falsy values.
Approach 2: Better way.
// So there is a better way to do this, it checks param is actually undefined or not:
function link(height, color, callbackFn) {
var height = typeof height !== 'undefined' ? height : 50;
var color = typeof color !== 'undefined' ? color : 'red';
var callbackFn = typeof callbackFn !== 'undefined' ? callbackFn : function() {};
// function content...
ES6 way to write default params
Approach 3: ES6 way, it gets just so much better.
function link(height = 50, color = 'red', callbackFn = () => {}) {
// function content...
// or using ES6 const and let
const noop = () => {};
const link = (height = 50, color = 'red', callbackFn = noop) => {
// function content...